As part of a semi-serious New Year’s Resolution (and both of us looking for new jobs), we thought we’d attempt the Uber Frugal Month by Mrs. Frugalwoods. It’s more me wanting to do this, I manage all of the finances, but Eli is also on board.
Day 27:
- Frugality won’t rob you of time.
- I would have to agree with this wholeheartedly. The more things I do myself, the happier I am. I don’t need perfection in my veggies, I’m happy just to spend some time outside and enjoy it!
Day 28:
- Frugality isn’t about depriving yourself.
- I don’t think I’ve ever felt deprived. Maybe I haven’t gone extreme frugal enough though. I know I can improve, and I’m going to try keep working on that. I’m happy with what I am.
Day 29:
- What defines your happiness?
- The things that are most important to me are my LEGO (oops, material object right there). The other things important to me are things like hanging out with people I love – and buying less things means that I need to work less.
Day 30:
- Imperfection is liberating!
- There’s plenty of things in my life that aren’t perfect, like the size of my house or the layout of things I own. But you know what? I’m really lucky to have those things, and a partner I can share everything with. That’s what matters to me. I don’t care that I have an ant problem at the moment (although it’s darn annoying) or my laundry isn’t tiled. I am grateful for what I have.
Day 31:
- Frugality is not deferred spending.
- Can I live like this for the long term? I’m honestly really disappointed in how I went this month. Going on vacation is no excuse for losing my mojo. I want to keep improving, and for me, that means making wiser choices about food. I can do this!
January’s running expenses (and a catalogue of posts in this series so far):
- None
- swim -$17.40, PayPal payment for Lego sale $69.40
- None
- None
- apricots for drying -$100, eggs and cockroach bait -$23.10, disposable wipes -$3.99, found $10!
- None
- None
- petrol for both cars -$77.96
- fruit and veggies for the guest we had staying -$26.30
- None
- money onto public transport cards -$20
- groceries for the guest we had staying -$106.22
- parking in the city -$47!!!!!
- none
- none
- none. Potential future income from homestay students.
- fish and chips -$23
- none
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- none
- Groceries for homestay guest -$106.55
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