As part of a semi-serious New Year’s Resolution (and both of us looking for new jobs), we thought we’d attempt the Uber Frugal Month by Mrs. Frugalwoods. It’s more me wanting to do this, I manage all of the finances, but Eli is also on board.
Day 3:
- I have the willpower to wait!
- The suggestion is to wait 72 hours before buying something you ‘have to have’. For me, this is going to be the end of the month. I’ve been continuing to lust after more glass pyrex containers – but do I really need them?
Day 4:
- Spend less than you earn! Don’t pay for cable TV!
- In Australia, cable TV is a lot less prevalent. To get our movie fix, we share a Netflix service with a workmate and I pay them $60 a year to share ‘half of it’. Due to the screen restrictions, if they want to watch they get first preference – but there are other things we can do instead.
Day 5:
- I will eat all the things!
- For me, this means all those lovely dry food stuffs that I bring home from work (we have a high staff turnover as people move back overseas, and there is almost always free stuff going).
- I also have a whole bunch of tinned things that are ‘essentials’. I want to try and eat EVERYTHING up. It’s not like those things are inedible, it’s just a backup food service. I shouldn’t need to go shopping for the month, but I will need fruits and veggies at some point.
I had a frugal fail on Day 5. I sent Eli shopping because we desperately needed eggs, and I needed to buy some more apricots for my father to dry. Also, there were baby cockroaches, and I’d had enough of them. She brought home those things, but also brought home a package of Chux Wipes for our sink ($3.99).
I had suggested using rag wipes instead, but haven’t gone to the effort of ripping them up (so they weren’t as convenient). I do wash the disposable wipes to reuse them, but eventually they get so grotty that we use them for something that means they need to be thrown out (eg. wiping paint off from the rim of cans). I need to rip up some of the rags I have saved in order to prevent this happening again. I’m trying to reduce our plastic waste this year too, and the wipes came in plastic. It gives me shudders every time I see the waste bin in the kitchen.
January’s running expenses (and a catalogue of posts in this series so far):
- None
- swim -$17.40, PayPal payment for Lego sale $69.40
- None
- None
- apricots for drying -$100, eggs and cockroach bait -$23.10, disposable wipes -$3.99, found $10!
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